Life Coach And Counselor
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ExploreTarot Card Reading revolves around the belief that the cards can be used to gain insight into the past, current and possible future situations of the subject (or querent), i.e. cartomancy. I always believed however happy or sad we might
ExploreHypnotherapy means hypnosis plus therapy. Working on the subconscious mind and the conscious mind where the bridge is formed through hypnosis. The root cause of every illness is physical, mental, emotional or psychological is all based on emotions. That is
ExploreCrystals take billions of years to form underground in Mother Earth. Crystals are formed (by repeating chemical structures) and is believed that because of this they have the ability to hold energies. There are many different types of crystals available
ExploreAngel therapy as the name suggests is all about angels and facilitating their Angelic powers for healing and well being purposes. Let me introduce you to the “World of Angels “! Angels are higher light beings who have no physical
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